The Emmerdale Village and Emmerdale Studio Experience Tour #Review

The Emmerdale Village and Emmerdale Studio Experience Tour Review 

Bright and breezy, location Leeds Weetwood Hall, on a Sunny Saturday morning, where the lovely Georgia checked us in for the excellent Emmerdale Village Tour.  With transfers the total tour took around 3.5 hours.

After a pleasant coach journey, thanks to driver Andrew, through Yorkshires scenic countryside we arrived on set where Bex our guide prepared us for our on-set debut.

Take your moment to shine alongside the famous road signage and the iconic Emmerdale Village entrance.  Make sure you also check out the original Emmerdale stone signage.

Make sure you wear flat footwear, because no matter how much you check the time, no bus will be coming to pick you up from the on-set bus stop.

Even though the sun had turned overcast, the Emmerdale set looked a real sight, with the brilliant bold red telephone box, café and Woolpack all in sight.

Put your feet up, take a seat at the café and imagine cake and coffee served by some of your soap favs.

It was all happening at the grange, because since this is a live set, there was hot of the press Intel, as we were privy to an upcoming future story line with the skip being parked right out front.

Make a pitstop at a proper good old fashioned countryside pub, The Woolpack!

The Wonderful Woolpack was in all its glory, with Charity Dingle and Chasity Dingle named above the door, licenced to serve the cast their tasty tipple of choice.

Make your way round to Bernice’s Beauty & Bernice Hair & beauty salon to spruce yourself up ready for more picture-perfect photo opportunities.

Do things the dingle way and drive up to Dingle & Dingle garage to ensure you get yourself a full MOT.

While the car is getting checked out, over at the Dingles, head over to David’s shop for your five a day.

Need some spiritual guidance, head over to the parish church of St Mary’s Emmerdale

The inside scene is set for service with Vicar Rev’d Harriet Finch. Let us pray together.

Park up at the playground, then head onto the village hall.  Be sure to keep in the loop and check out the notice board for activities and general Village info.

Pay your respects to characters past, who’s fate has resided them to the parish church of St Mary’s graveyard.

Relive the excitement, twists and turns of the characters plots.  Leave Emmerdale Village with memories that will last a lifetime.

Lights, Camera, Action…at the Emmerdale Studios tour check in for an immersive, interactive and interesting 90 minute behind the scenes glimpse of life on set.

Think you have what it takes to write an award-winning script?  Well, be prepared to dedicate time to detail and devote time to drafting a script that wins Emmerdale there many amazing accolades.

Before hitting set, make the mandatory makeup and hair stop to ensure you get into character.  Whether that be a gorgeous glamorous look or something more fatal for an accident scene or was it a murder?! Need to shed a tear, use the tear stick containing menthol and transparent jelly aka sweat and tears.

Kane Dingle, Bernice, Edna and a variety of other famous soap stars line the costume corridor for you to check out their wonderful wardrobes of preserved costumes.

Bring on the beauty with Bernice and check out the inner workings of her princess pink parlour.

Or get down with the dingles, grab a can from the bar, get couch cosy, stick on the telly and have an evening in with the Dingle family.

Expert editors at the ready, switch things up a notch, as you have the chance to edit your very own Emmerdale scene and see the results of your handy work.

The marvellous mini model village set is just amazing and a great photo opportunity.

Things get heated in the danger zone, who is in the dock this time and what evidence do Yorkshires finest Hotten police station have?

When disaster strikes, Emmerdale pulls out some sensational stunts. Who done it, gripped to your seats, wipe away your tears and continue watching to find out what, who, why and where.

Super Sophie our guide shined as brightly as the 120 lights, that light up the Woolpack set, at any one time during filming.

Why not end on a high and have your photo taken pulling a pint, of the Best brilliant Black sheep bitter, behind the replica Woolpack Bar.

Pint pulled and last orders called.  Head over to lovely Leeds, to make your Emmerdale special guest appearance.

Thank you for reading 😊

Melanie xx


120 thoughts on “The Emmerdale Village and Emmerdale Studio Experience Tour #Review

  1. Sounds like a fun tour, especially being able to have a pint at a replica of the pub afterwards. I’ve never watched Emmerdale but my husband’s Granny would watch it every single day. We had to be very careful what time we would call 🙂

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