Eleventh Day of Giftmas: The Works Christmas Gifts #Review

Eleventh Day of Giftmas: The Works Goodies – £Prices range from £2 – £10 – From stocking fillers to gifts, The Works have a well-stocked Winter Wonderland of wonderful gifts for all the family.  Both online and with stores on the high street, The Works has something for everyone and every pocket.  Stocking a massive range of toys, gifts, books books, toys, stationery and arts & crafts at discount prices.  Seeing continued growth, the brand serves over 22.5 million people each year…wow!

Why not “Make your Christmas gift personal with the Works” and using their fab tartan gift bags create your own themed gift selections.  I created for different options for you to enjoy.

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The Works Stationery #Review

The Works Stationery Review: April 2017

Both online and with stores on the high street, The Works has something for everyone and every pocket. Stocking a massive range of toys, gifts, books, stationery and arts & crafts at discount prices. Seeing continued growth, the brand serve over 22.5 million people each year…wow!

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